Political indications for the ratification of Convention 189 and adoption of Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the workplace
The project is part of a regional agenda that is committed to the respect and recognition of domestic work in Guatemala and Latin America, and seeks to influence different actors and public policies to guarantee the rights of domestic workers in the search for the ratification of Convention No. 189 on domestic workers.
The company is also promoting the adoption of an agreement that eliminates violence and harassment in the workplace, as well as the adoption of an agreement that eliminates violence and harassment in the workplace. It also promotes the adoption of an agreement to eliminate violence and harassment in the workplace.
The project contributes to the strengthening of SITRADOMSA’s individual and organizational capacities, as well as the participation and advocacy of its affiliates in different spaces, positioning the denaturalization of violence against domestic workers. Its lines of work are based on advocacy, organizational and capacity building, knowledge management, evidence generation and communication.
Trabajadoras afiliadas a a sindicatos, 4 Influenciadores, 6 Garantes de derechos, 21 Organización de la sociedad civil.
It is estimated that, in Latin America, around 18 million people are engaged in domestic work. According to the ILO, 93% of domestic workers in Latin America are women, and 1 out of every 7 women in the region is engaged in paid domestic work (ILO, 2014) In most countries in the region, domestic service is often the gateway to the labor market for the poorest women, with lower levels of education and who live in conditions of greater social exclusion, such as in relation to their status as migrant women, black women, peasant women or victims of forced displacement by violence.
The State of Guatemala has a debt with women domestic workers, over the years, the recognition of their work as a contribution to the country’s economy is invisible, there are approximately 240,000 women who are engaged in paid domestic work nationwide, most of whom do not have fair and dignified conditions, paid domestic work is a highly feminized occupation with little material and symbolic value. In the case of Guatemala, the formal protection of the labor rights of the people who perform it still presents important deficiencies.
According to the International Labor Organization’s study on domestic work of indigenous women in Guatemala, the conditions in which this activity is carried out, and in particular those that affect indigenous women, have been constructed within the framework of the conjunction of two historical legacies. One part, from the colony, which with its particular ways of establishing relations in society and in particular in the world of work, marginalizes the native peoples of the continent, and the other, the patriarchal society that unilaterally assigns women the tasks of reproduction as an activity that it considers non-productive.
The absence of specific mechanisms and institutions to safeguard the specific rights of women domestic workers affirms the need for a regulatory framework to protect the rights of domestic workers. The State of Guatemala has yet to ratify Convention 189 and other instruments that guarantee the protection of paid domestic work.
Women domestic workers in Latin America Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras and Brazil know, exercise and demand their human and labor rights with a social protection system that guarantees a life of dignity and freedom from violence.
Sindicato de trabajadoras domesticas, similares y a cuenta propia-SITRADOMSA: This is one of the domestic workers’ unions, which fights for the rights of domestic workers to be recognized at the national level.
July 01, 2019 – June 30, 2020
01 de julio 2019 – 30 de junio 2020