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Partners for Resilience - Strategic Relationship

Project Name

Partners for Resilience – Strategic Relationship

Execution Period

January 01, 2016 to December 31, 2019

Participating Population

4,290 people directly – 42,810 people indirectly


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Project Description

The Partnership for Resilience (PfR) promotes the application of Integrated Risk Management (IRM) in the face of climate-related natural hazards, whose underlying causes of potential disasters and risks are largely the result of human-induced processes.

PFR members have been working together since 2011 to build and strengthen the resilience of communities and institutions by integrating Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystem Management and Restoration (EMR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), which they define as Integrated Risk Management (IRM).

The new strategic partnership (2016-2019) combines and strengthens knowledge and expertise in the above fields to enhance the increased and sustained application of IRM. In the PfR strategic partnership, synergies are promoted through regular dialogue to maximize intervention results.

Within the framework of the Program, the main objective is to develop and strengthen capacities for Policy Dialogue of civil society organizations, community-based organizations, as well as the facilitation of spaces for dialogue with territorial and national authorities, and other relevant actors, such as the private sector, in favor of RWM in the domains of: a) Policies; b) Investment; and c) Practices.

Main components of the Program

  • Capacity building of civil society organizations and grassroots community organizations to increase understanding of the IWRM approach and policy dialogue in favor of this approach.
  • Facilitate spaces for political dialogue in favor of IWRM at different territorial levels.
  • Consolidate a knowledge base and experiences developed in the approach to the IWRM model at different territorial levels.

Partners and allies

  • Guatemalan Red Cross,
  • Caritas Zacapa/ CORDAID,
  • Wetlands International,
  • Climate Center of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies,
  • Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands,
  • National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction – CONRED,
  • Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources – MARN,
  • National Council of Protected Areas – CONAP,
  • Ministry of Education – MINEDUC,
  • General Secretariat of Planning – SEGEPLAN.

Coverage Area

Southwestern region of Guatemala, with emphasis on the municipalities of Nahualá and Santa Catarina Ixtahuacán, Sololá: Nahualá and Santa Catarina Ixtahuacán, Sololá and with less scope in the municipality of Santo Domingo, Suchitepéquez, linked to other actions that Wetlands International develops in this municipality.