

To improve the quality of life of the vulnerable population by enhancing the management of water resources, and the potable water and sanitation services.

WATER+ is a project that is being implemented in Guatemala by CARE with the objective of improving the comprehensive management of water resources, and the potable water and sanitation services in townships located at the head of the watersheds of Salinas and Salamá, to improve the quality of life of the vulnerable population, especially women, girls, and young and indigenous people. 

CARE has prioritized women as the main population of impact, due to the gender inequality that prevails in terms of access and control over resources and benefits, which has consequences on their situation and living conditions (lack of access to basic services and opportunities in education, employment, and income generation).

CARE is committed to gender equality by defending the birthrights of women and girls, so that they can enjoy the same access that men and boys have to opportunities, resources, and supplies. This initiative is based on CARE’s gender equality framework, and it is structured on three levels of change to generate an agenda for all genders and all stages of life. That is, to change the relationships between them and transform their structures.


Direct participants

3,425 women and 3,096 men.



20,550 women and 18,576 men.


To improve the management of water resources, and the potable water and sanitation services in townships located at the head of the watersheds of Salinas and Salamá, to improve the quality of life of the vulnerable population, especially women, girls, and young and indigenous people.


  • The strengthening of the technical municipal offices, government entities in power, and industry partners/allies, so that they can work efficiently to guarantee the human right to water and sanitation. 
  • Having established spaces for dialogue that implement strategic actions to fulfill the human rights to water and sanitation. 
  • For men and women to implement better conservation and restoration practices in water recharge zones, in coordination with the Municipal Forestry Office (OFM), DMMs and the Municipal Office of Water and Sanitation (OMAS). 
  • The strengthening of communities on the management, operation, and maintenance of their potable water systems.

Partners and allies

  • The municipalities of Totonicapán and Santa María Chiquimula, department of Totonicapán.
  • The municipality of San Antonio Ilotenango, department of Quiché. 
  • The Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance.
  • The Water and Sanitation Network of Guatemala (RASGUA). 
  • Agenda for Change (A4C).
  • Civil Society Organizations.

Areas covered