Women and young girls demand their rights!

Our goal is that women and young girls can strengthen their connections and their access to strategic markets, so that they can demand and fulfill their human rights without gender or identity discrimination. 

With our work, we aim to ensure that by 2030, women, girls and the young population —specially from  indigenous or diverse communities, and their organizations— can have expanded and strengthened their partnership capabilities, and accessed strategic spaces at different levels, for the demand and exercise of their human rights, with an emphasis on the right to live free of violence, and to have access to comprehensive health and education, without gender or identity discrimination.

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Our strategic work pillars

Right to equality and gender equity

Inclusion, instead of discrimination or racism

Human rights and lives free of violence

Right to comprehensive health and education

Protection and
human mobility

Feminists in Action

Feminists in action To support the transformative power of feminist organizations in favor of a more egalitarian world. This is a global project with presence