
in action

To support the transformative power of feminist organizations in favor of a more egalitarian world.

This is a global project with presence in 30 countries, which CARE is in charge of promoting in Guatemala, Ecuador, and the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). This project seeks to launch a means to provide financing, skill-development, and network access for feminist organizations from countries in the Global South. 

This fund aims to cover four themes regarding the promotion of women’s rights, such as:

Sexual and
reproductive rights


Economic empowerment
of women

Access to


The main objective of this project is to support the transformative power of feminist organizations in southern countries in favor of a more egalitarian world. 

Its specific objective is to help feminist organizations increase their capacity in an economic, organizational, and technical level, as well as their collective activity in order to provide them with the means to become forces of change from a local to a global level.


A secure and flexible financing program to work through three separate channels.

The strengthening of the technical abilities needed to promote women’s rights, gender equality, and the empowerment of women, teenagers, and marginalized communities.

The creation of networks and partnerships to foster learning, to promote practical knowledge, and to carry out promotional activities.


 Latin America:

  • The Latin American and Caribbean Network of Lesbian and Bisexual Women’s Organizations (LESLAC).
  • The Latin American and Caribbean Women’s Health Network (LACWHN).

In Guatemala:

  • The Civil Association La Cuerda

It is a pioneering feminist organization in Guatemala and Central America for its commitment to promoting feminist critical thinking through its newspaper.

  • The Nim Alaxik Association

It is an organization that includes 23,320 midwives from the four communities: Mayan, Garifuna, Xinka and Mixed-race, who provide comprehensive community healthcare services in the 22 departments of Guatemala.

  • The Ixoqib’ MIRIAM Association

MIRIAM is an organization of indigenous women whose objective is to facilitate the access to higher education of Guatemalan women, especially those from the Mayan, Xinka, and Garífuna communities.