Communities ready to respond to disasters
Communities ready to respond to disasters in vulnerable rural areas of Guatemala Promoting resilient communities The combination of high vulnerability of the population and the
The Climate Justice and Risk Management program is CARE’s strategic line of action to provide sustainability and resilience to people and communities when facing climate change and other risks.
With its implementation, it is expected that by 2030, vulnerable communities —with special emphasis on women, girls, and the young population— will achieve a greater resilience when facing climate change and various other threats that represent risks to the sustainability of their environments and means of subsistence.
Adapting to
climate change
Mitigating and reducing disaster risks
Action and humanitarian responses
Gender in
Communities ready to respond to disasters in vulnerable rural areas of Guatemala Promoting resilient communities The combination of high vulnerability of the population and the
Promoting Sustainable and Resilient Territories in Landscapes of the Central Volcanic Chain of Guatemala The initiative to restore degraded forests with the use of landscape
Cultivating the Future To contribute to the prevention and nutritional recovery of children through family gardens This project will be linked to and built on
Reinforcing the economic leadership of rural women from Sololá To reinforce the skills of rural indigenous women under conditions of gender-based violence Para contrarrestar los