I’ve implemented everything I’ve learnt, and it has been of great value

Quaker Qrece helps to fight the malnutrition suffered by many children, which is why it intervened in prioritized communities in the Department of Escuintla. This was the case in a village where —according to Mrs. Aura Hernández—, they need to disseminate the news through a loudspeaker since the houses are very apart from one another and that is the only means they have to share the information quickly. 

Abelino Ixmatul and Alejandra Hernández are the parents of 3-year-old Rosaura, who lives in Guadalupe Village, township of Escuintla. When waking up every morning, there is always a delicious breakfast made by her grandmother and, although her parents have to leave early for work, she is used to it and feels very happy to spend the whole day with her grandmother. At home, they have fences with some animals, and one that Rosaura specially likes is a rabbit that they let loose in their yard, and with whom she runs around and hugs very happily.

Aura, Rosaura’s grandmother, comments that she heard about Quaker Qrece through the loudspeaker, and she got interested because she had noticed some health problems in her granddaughter, such as lack of appetite and lack of energy that were not normal for a girl her age. That day she made the decision to approach the project facilitator to gather more information.

From that moment on, Rosaura has been receiving specialized food every month, which has been of great help in improving her nutritional status.

Rosaura participated in the project for a year and there have been various changes in her health, as she grew 10 centimeters in height and gained 8 pounds in weight. She is now a very healthy, active, and happy girl, and every day she enjoys the food her grandmother provides to her in the correct way and, just as she expressed: “I’ve implemented everything I’ve learnt, and it has been of great value”. 

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