Three steps to health

Project name

Three steps to health

Execution Period

Three steps to health

Target Population

1500 children from 400 families.


Fundación Helmsley

Project Description

The objective of the project is: To support the improvement of the standard of living of 1,500 girls, boys, women and men from 400 vulnerable families living in rural communities in western Guatemala.

The expected results are

Health and Nutrition: Contribute so that 1,500 children from vulnerable families meet their basic health and nutrition needs, and at the same time, improve their cognitive and physical development.

Education and Learning: Contribute to improving the quality of formal education for 639 children, in order to facilitate their cognitive and social development.

Income Generation: Contribute to improving the economic access and productivity of 400 participating women and men and improve the education and health of their children.

The project focuses its efforts on the children, their families, teachers and community. It works in partnership with governmental and nongovernmental organizations and the municipal government.

Area of Coverage: Communities of Chuatarrás, Tzamjuyup, Sacasiguán, Chirijsacasiguán, Pacaman, Chuichá and Pasaquijuyup; of the Municipality of Nahualá, Sololá, Guatemala.

Partners and Allies

The project works closely with the municipality of Nahualá, MAGA, MINEDUC, and local organizations.