Producer increases its income

by 600% introducing crops for commercialization

Located 74 kilometers from the capital city, Chirijuyú, it is a K’iche Mayan community in the municipality of Tecpán, where the home of Alba López, a resilient and persevering woman, is located.

In June 2023, after participating in the “Harvesting the Future” project, Alba made the decision to start with a seed of change, implementing a modest family garden, with the vision of providing food for her home and generating additional income.

Through her participation in her community’s Field and Business School, she acquired fundamental knowledge about sustainable agriculture and crop diversification.

The fruit of her hard work became evident very soon, Alba began to notice an improvement in her income after generating USD 130.86 in her first production cycle.

After a first successful experience, in October 2023, she rented a disused greenhouse, using the income from her garden and a loan obtained from her Savings and Credit group. With a clear vision and the courage to pursue her dreams, she ventured into new territory: intensive production of selected crops and floriculture.

Her dedication and knowledge led her to achieve even greater success in this new production cycle, achieving profits of USD 731.07, 600% more than in her first experience.

The Harvesting the Future project, with the implementation of field and business schools (FFBS), promotes sustainable agricultural production, to improve the income of participants from the production of crops for commercialization purposes.