My mom told me:

“You better start your business”

Sandra Candelaria Caal Pop is 24 years old, single, and from the Chamtaca village. In 2019 she started a chicken sales business. “Since August of this year I became independent, thanks to CARE and the Teaching Institute for Sustainable Development (IEPADES)”. 

“I always buy 2 to 3 quintals to sell three or four times a week.” She usually sells it on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

“I buy the pound for approximately Q7.25 ($0.84) and sell it for Q11 ($1.42).

“I invested Q1,500 ($194.80) plus the Q637 of the transfer received”. On my first time, I invested about Q2,175 ($282.46), and I turned that money over 6 times and yet with profits. However, like any other business, there are days when it is hard to sell.”

Sandra hopes to continue selling and increase her capital, so that she can expand her business and open her own premises very soon.