Integrated response to the Fuego Volcano eruption

Project name

Integrated response to the Fuego Volcano eruption

Strategic Program to which it belongs

Climate Change and Community Resilience

Execution Period

June 3, 2018 – June 30, 2019

Participating Population (direct and indirect beneficiaries)

Direct beneficiaries: 4,600 people

  • 1,104 women
  • 1,145 men
  • 1,304 girls
  • 1,047 boys

Indirect beneficiaries: 17,635 people

  • 5,945 women
  • 3,775 men
  • 4,295 girls
  • 3,620 boys.


  • CARE International
  • CARE International (MAC FUND CARE USA)
  • CARE Pooled Local (Cargill)
  • French Government
  • French Public Fund
  • French Private Fund
  • CARE USA (together)

Partners and Allies

CARE’s participation and leadership within the Gender Working Group (GTG), part of the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) in Guatemala (comprised of OCHA, UN Women, CECI, WFP, among others); this has contributed to guide the work in the field, and have a greater and more sustainable impact.

Although the work within the GTG and EHP structures already existed previously and had been coordinated, this emergency provided another perspective on the work and exposed the weaknesses that existed in the management of information and the way in which groups in situations of vulnerability are addressed before the occurrence of adverse events.

Finally, there has been close coordination with the Social Work Secretariat of the President’s wife -SOSEP-, which works in the empowerment of women in the countryside, and working links were also established with the Municipal Women’s Directorate in Escuintla, identifying several groups and organizations that work on common issues (ECAP, PCI, CODEFEM, MTM, Plan International, among others).

Project Description: (maximum 300 words)

The field intervention ensured access to water and sanitation services for the affected people in the communities prioritized by the intervention (Don Pancho, El Rancho, 15 de Octubre La Trinidad, La Reina, Santa Rosa El Rodeo, San Miguel Los Lotes, and El Barrio), providing portable toilets and showers, water containers and cleaning kits during the emergency phase.

In the second phase, support was provided with the delivery of hygiene kits, batteries (for washing dishes and clothes), drinking water filters (for storing and cleaning water), garbage cans (for the ATU’s and for the community bathrooms), linen kits (pillows, towels, mosquito nets, sheets), cots and mattresses, in the ATU’s of Finca La Industria, Escuintla.

In addition, through training workshops on the prevention of violence against women, protection kits and vocational training workshops were provided for the economic empowerment of women affected by the eruption of the Fuego volcano. These were provided in the ATU’s of Finca La Industria, Escuintla; and Finca Santa Isabel, Alotenango, Sacatepéquez.

The Project has initiated a process of economic recovery based on a Cash Transfer Program (Programa de Transferencias en Efectivo -PTE-), aimed at directly benefiting 136 women with local enterprises and indirectly benefiting more than 680 people. This under the modality of conditional transfers, but not restricting the access and type of use given to them, according to the needs and requirements of the affected population.

Coverage Area

Communities in the Municipality of Escuintla (Department of Escuintla)

  • Don Pancho
  • El Rancho
  • 15 de Octubre La
  • Trinidad San Miguel
  • Los Lotes
  • El Barrio
  • La Reina
  • Santa Rosa El Rodeo.
  • Communities of the Municipality of Alotenango (Department of Sacatepéquez)
  • El Porvenir