Food and economic justice for women and youth

CARE supports indigenous and non-indigenous women and girls so that they increase their autonomy, can make economic decisions at the individual, family, organizational and community levels and can effectively influence policies and programs that guarantee their economic, social and social rights. and food safety.

CARE assumes equality and equity from a sense of justice, which means helping to eliminate the barriers that hinder economic and sociopolitical opportunities, as well as access to basic services (education, health, among others).

Therefore, it promotes the empowerment of women and girls, and equitable relationships with men and boys to transform unequal power relations and discriminatory social norms based on gender, racial and age.

CARE seeks to develop and broaden its approach to gender equality, taking into account specific elements of the context in Guatemala, where ethnic-cultural diversity cuts across the reality, position, and condition of a large majority of indigenous women.

CARE seeks, together with multiple actors, mainly women’s, youth and indigenous peoples’ organizations and civil society organizations, to promote and achieve greater participation of women and greater gender equality in all areas of development. This implies supporting both the agendas of women and their organizations and networks, as well as the mainstreaming of the gender equality approach in mixed organizations and in public institutions and policies.

CARE also works with public institutions and government authorities and international cooperation, as a facilitator of processes and dialogues, to promote the comprehensive women’s rights agenda.