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Empowerment of small rural women producers project

Name of the project:

Empowerment of small rural women producers project

Strategic program to which it belongs

Women’s economic empowerment program

Execution Period

April 2017-april 2020

Participating Population

1,300 Women producers, entrepreneurs and MSMEs, with diverse economic activities or linked to value chains, individuals and members of associations, cooperatives and non-formal organizations.


H&M Foundation

Partners and allies

  • Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Livestock
  • Cooperativa Integral agrícola mujeres 4 pinos
  • Puerta de Occidente Business Center

Project Description

The project is part of a global initiative of the H&M Foundation, whose goal is to ensure that by 2020, women in seven developing countries (including Guatemala) have access to tools, knowledge, skills and business techniques to start or expand their businesses in order to empower them economically.

In Guatemala, the goal is that by 2020, women participating in the project will generate profitable products and services, be inserted into more inclusive value chains, increase their income and their economic and social empowerment. Focusing mainly on women formally organized in cooperatives and associations, as well as other non-formal organizations of women producers.

Among the strategic actions to achieve the project’s objectives are: Women’s personal empowerment, collective strengthening, productive diversification for income generation, women’s business development and leadership, linking women with Value Chains, Access to Markets, working in partnership and Political Advocacy.

Coverage Area

Department of Chimaltenango, Sacatepéquez and Sololá
